FERC & Federal

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities. 
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Overheard at the 2023 NECA Renewable Energy Conference
Maria Robinson, director of DOE’s Grid Deployment Office, gave an update on the work her team has been doing to allocate a great deal of funding from the IIJA.
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FERC Seeks More Funds, Employees in Latest Budget Request
FERC's latest budget request seeks additional funds and employees to carry its core functions in fiscal year 2024.
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Decarbonizing the Grid Faces Hurdles Despite Recent Laws
Experts explained to ACORE's Policy Forum what hurdles remain to be overcome after Congress passed the most ambitious clean energy legislation last year.
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Democrats Make the Case for Updating Permitting Laws at ACORE
Democratic officials told ACORE that a package emerging from House Republicans is a poor start to addressing permitting concerns.
W.Va. PSC Files Complaint over PJM Meeting Policy
The regulators contend that PJM is violating its tariff by not granting the PSC access to meetings of the RTO’s Member Liaison Committee.
DERs in Wholesale Markets Still Years Away
DERs are still a couple years away from actually participating at the wholesale level as FERC works on RTO and ISO compliance with Order 2222.
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FERC Approves Transmission Incentives for Dayton Power
FERC granted two sets of incentives to Dayton Power and Light for transmission upgrades across Ohio.
University of California, Berkeley
West Must Fight Wildfire with Fire, Forest Scientists Say
Forest experts speaking at a WIEB conference offered attendees a seemingly paradoxical message about how the West can best prevent catastrophic wildfires.
DC Circuit Rejects Challenge to CSAPR
The D.C. Circuit threw out a challenge from the Midwest Ozone Group to EPA's Cross-State Air Pollution Rule.
FERC Gives ISO-NE Homework on Order 2222
ISO-NE has more work to do to comply with Order 2222, FERC said, faulting its metering and participation rules for DER aggregations.

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