September 28, 2024

FERC & Federal

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities. 
OGE Energy Sees Growing Demand from Crypto and Commercial Load
OGE Energy released its fourth-quarter earnings, which showed continued load growth in its footprint in Oklahoma and Arkansas.
DOE Launches West Coast OSW Transmission Study
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm opened the Department of Energy’s Floating Offshore Wind Shot Summit with announcements of DOE’s latest initiatives.
Edison EIectric Institute, company reports, and S&P Global Market Intelligence
EEI Welcomes ‘Clean Slate’ on Permitting
EEI officials are optimistic they can win bipartisan support for siting and permitting legislation in Congress after the failure of Sen. Manchin’s proposal.
NextEra, SREA Protest Canceled MISO Project at FERC
NextEra Energy Transmission and the Southern Renewable Energy Association are asking FERC to intervene in a last-ditch effect to save the only competitive transmission project ever approved for MISO South.
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NARUC Panel Calls for Clean Energy, GHG Emissions Tracking Standards
Clean energy buyers all face a common challenge: figuring out how to keep track of both the clean energy they use and the carbon emissions they cut.
Texas PUC Rejects CCN for Grid United’s Pecos West
Texas regulators have cited the state's right of first refusal law in denying Grid United’s request to build a link between ERCOT and the West.
We Energies
FERC Affirms MISO’s Seasonal Auctions, Accreditation
MISO can continue as planned with its seasonal capacity auction and availability-based resource accreditation, FERC ruled, rejecting rehearing requests.
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FERC Approves PJM Quadrennial Review
FERC accepted revisions to PJM’s tariff that the RTO proposed via its Quadrennial Review of the parameters underlying its Reliability Pricing Model auctions.
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Heinrich: Pipeline Permitting ‘Reform’ Will Also Benefit Clean Energy
Legislation to streamline the permitting of clean energy projects, including new transmission, may require bipartisan tradeoffs, according to one senator.
Recurrent Energy
FERC Rulings Diverge on Commercial Operation Deadlines
FERC granted an Oklahoma solar project an extension of its commercial operation deadline while rejecting an Illinois wind project’s waiver request.

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