FERC & Federal
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities.
NYISO shared a proposal to set a 10-kW minimum capability requirement for individual distributed energy resources participating in aggregations.
A U.S. bankruptcy judge has conditionally approved Brazos Electric’s proposed exit from bankruptcy and settlement with ERCOT over winter storm charges.
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer fired a major shot boosting efforts to reopen the now-shuttered Palisades Nuclear Plant along Lake Michigan’s shores.
Brazos Electric has offered to pay ERCOT as much as $1.44 billion, settling its dispute with the Texas grid operator over market prices after the winter storm.
MISO can establish a seasonal capacity auction and accreditation but cannot require a minimum capacity obligation, FERC ruled in a pair of orders.
Kansas regulators have awarded a CCN to NextEra Energy Transmission Southwest for the competitive project it intends to build in Kansas and Missouri.
A federal appeals court has ruled that Texas’ right-of-first-refusal law violates the dormant Commerce Clause, granting NextEra's appeal of the legislation.
Seven Western entities have now expressed support for participating in the next phase of SPP's market development in the Western Interconnection.
PJM members failed to find consensus on any of four proposed sets of capacity auction parameters, with the RTO’s proposal falling short of the necessary votes.
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals issued rulings relating to the Mystic Generating Station, including granting review to a group of state regulators.
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