FERC & Federal

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities. 
Resources for the Future
How Much Will the IRA Cut GHG Emissions, Home Energy Costs?
A panel of industry analysts presented their estimates of how much the Inflation Reduction Act would reduce emissions and its impact on household energy costs.
Clean Energy States Alliance
DOE Previews New Federal Funding for Energy Storage Demo Projects
The Biden administration’s goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 will require an investment of $300 billion a year until 2050, the DOE estimates.
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DC Circuit Sends FERC Back to Drawing Board on MISO ROE
The battle over MISO transmission owners’ return on equity continued with the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals vacating FERC’s order setting the rate at 10.02%.
DOE Launches $675M Program to Build Critical Mineral Supply Chain
DOE is consolidating its portfolio of critical mineral programs in a bid to build a domestic supply chain of materials needed to decarbonize the economy.
Dominion CEO: SCC Order for OSW Performance Guarantee ‘Untenable’
The Virginia Corporation Commission approved Dominion Energy’s OSW project, but the utility’s CEO said the capacity performance guarantee is “disappointing.”
International Energy Agency
Counterflow: 45Q: Money for Nothing
Columnist Steve Huntoon says the 45Q carbon capture tax breaks in Democrats' climate bill are an enormous subsidy that won't help decarbonization.
Senate Passes Inflation Reduction Act
Following a marathon of debate, the U.S. Senate passed the Inflation Reduction Act with all of its $369.75 billion in clean energy spending intact.
Kentucky PSC
DC Circuit Backs Kentucky Munis on Transmission Rate ‘Pancaking’
FERC failed to consider the impact of potential rate increases when it allowed LG&E/KU to partially exit market power mitigation, the D.C. Circuit ruled.
Duke Energy
Duke Considering Sale of 3.5-GW Renewable Portfolio
Duke Energy put a “for sale” sign on its 3.5-GW commercial renewable business, saying it wants to focus its capital on regulated spending.
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Share Winter Data, States Urge ISO-NE
NESCOE urged ISO-NE to share confidential data about fuel supply and grid reliability with FERC ahead of the upcoming winter.

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