March 11, 2025

FERC & Federal

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities. 
FERC Tables PJM Rehearing Request of FTR Credit Requirement Proposal
FERC denied PJM’s rehearing request of its rejected FTR credit requirement calculation, but it said it would address the RTO’s arguments in a future order.
House E&C Committee
GOP to Granholm: ‘You’re Anti-Fossil Fuels, Aren’t You?’
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said the United States will boost its liquified natural gas exports to 15 billion cubic feet per day by the end of the year.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
SEIA Predicts Severe Fallout from Commerce Probe of Solar Imports
The solar industry could take a hit if the US Commerce Dept. concludes that solar panels imported from 4 Asian countries are actually Chinese goods, SEIA said.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
DOE Plan Unlikely to Save Entergy’s Palisades Nuke
Entergy says it is on course to shut down its Palisades nuclear plant, despite DOE's $6 billion program to prevent the early closure of nuclear plants.
MISO Reassessing Hartburg-Sabine Project amid Texas ROFR Dispute
MISO announced it will reanalyze the controversial Hartburg-Sabine Junction transmission project in East Texas for a fresh look at its effectiveness.
Business Network for Offshore Wind
BOEM Moves on OSW Plans for Oregon, Central Atlantic
The Biden administration announced plans to open two new areas to offshore wind, one in the Central Atlantic and the other off of Oregon.
Americans for a Clean Energy Grid
ANALYSIS: FERC Giving up on Transmission Competition?
FERC’s transmission planning NOPR has won wide praise, but the consensus proposal also represented a retreat on efforts to open development to competition.
Tri-State G&T
FERC Rejects Conditional Withdrawals from Tri-State
FERC rejected United Power’s request to provide Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association with a nonbinding, conditional withdrawal notice.
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FERC Reverts to Plan B on CAISO Capacity Procurement Mechanism
FERC reversed a decision that allowed CAISO to include an adder in the formula for offers that exceed the soft cap for its capacity procurement mechanism.
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Overheard at GCPA’s 2022 Spring Conference
The Gulf Coast Power Association drew more than 400 attendees to its first in-person Spring Conference, and 35th overall, since 2019.

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