FERC & Federal

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities. 
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DC Circuit Upholds FERC on PJM FTR Rule
The D.C. Circuit upheld FERC’s decision to OK PJM’s FTR forfeiture rule without ordering refunds under previous rules implemented without commission approval.
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FERC-state Transmission Task Force Examines Barriers to GETs
Grid-enhancing technologies offer significant savings, but first a naturally conservative industry needs to get used to using the emerging technologies while maintaining reliability.
Michels Corporation
FERC Approves Incentives for NIPSCO’s MTEP Lines
FERC  approved Northern Indiana Public Service Company’s request for transmission incentives on two lines it is building under the MISO Transmission Expansion Plan.
NAESB Wrapping up Gas-electric Harmonization Forum
NAESB is wrapping up a process to develop recommendations to improve coordination between the natural gas and electric industries, which needs to be improved after it contributed to recent cold weather reliability events.
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Former FERC Commissioners Share Outlooks with MACRUC
Current or former FERC commissioners  shared their views on the future of RTOs and the relationship between state and federal regulators.
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Overheard at EEI 2023
The clean energy transition, the technology and funding to make it happen, were the focus of the Edison Electric Institute’s annual forum.
Order 881 Timelines Need Explaining, FERC Says
FERC issued orders directing transmission providers to clarify their timelines for calculating and submitting ambient-adjusted line ratings under Order 881.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Iterative Changes to Interconnection Queues Discussed at Transmission Summit
At Infocast’s Transmission & Interconnection Summit, experts said interconnection requests continue to grow and grid operators have tried to keep pace.
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NYISO Management Committee Briefs: June 13, 2023
NYISO stakeholders will vote July 26 on whether a new study should be conducted to evaluate the cost allocation between transmission withdrawals and injections.
House Energy and Commerce Committee
FERC’s Danly, Christie Again Warn Congress of Looming Reliability Crisis
FERC’s two Republican commissioners told members of Congress on Tuesday that the U.S. is heading toward a reliability crisis driven by the rapid retirements of dispatchable fossil fuel-fired generators.

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