Capacity Market
PJM presented stakeholders with proposed manual revisions to implement a requirement that dual-fuel generators must offer schedules with both of their fuels into the energy market during the winter, as well as changes to the operational and seasonal testing for capacity resources.
FERC authorized another penalty concerning demand response violations in the MISO capacity market, this time approving an $18 million settlement over Voltus reportedly falsifying registrations and overstating capacity from 2017 to 2021.
NYISO presented its final locational minimum installed capacity requirements for the 2025/26 capability year during the Installed Capacity Working Group’s first meeting of 2025.
PJM heads into 2025 with several proposals before FERC seeking to rework its capacity market and generator interconnection queue, while stakeholders work on an expedited Quadrennial Review of the market and changes to resource accreditation.
NYISO’s early 2025 will likely be dominated by the Reliability Needs Assessment process again, but the year will also bring other issues.
ISO-NE’s multiyear effort to overhaul its forward capacity market likely will continue to dominate ISO-NE and NEPOOL work in 2025.
Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro filed a complaint with FERC on behalf of the state asking the commission to revise how the maximum clearing price in PJM's capacity auction is determined.
MISO will waste no time in 2025 trying to blunt the threat of a shortage that could arrive in the summer months by encouraging new generation and enacting further resource adequacy measures.
PJM stakeholders have endorsed changes to accounting of demand response in load forecasts, among other actions.
Texas regulators shelved the market design they once favored, agreeing with staff's recommendation that the performance credit mechanism results in “minimal” additional resource adequacy value.
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