Capacity Market

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NYISO ICAP Working Group Briefs: Sept. 24, 2024
NYISO’s Market Monitoring Unit, Potomac Economics, presented recommendations for addressing what it calls inefficient market outcomes caused by setting locational capacity requirements based on the transmission security limit.
Jakec, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
With Three Mile Island Restart, Debate Continues on Co-located Load in PJM
Data centers and other concentrated electric consumers increasingly seek to buy their power directly through nuclear generators in PJM.
Goldman-Sachs Renewables
Berkeley Lab: Solar-storage Hybrids Reshaping the Grid
Hybrid power plants, especially projects combining solar and storage, represent a growing amount of new generation online and in interconnection queues across the U.S., signaling a shift in how renewable power can be integrated into electric power markets, according to a new report from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
NYISO Offers Final Staff Recommendations for Demand Curve Reset
NYISO presented its final interim staff recommendations for the demand curve reset for 2025-2029 at the Installed Capacity Working Group’s meeting, with minor updates to some metrics.
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PJM Stakeholders Discuss DR Winter Availability

A PJM discussion on expanding the demand response winter availability window to include a wider range of hours branched off into a broader conversation on how the resource class participates in the RTO's capacity market.

PJM MIC Briefs: Sept. 11, 2024
PJM presented how the planning parameters for the 2026/27 Base Residual Auction affected the variable resource rate curve, which intersects with supply and demand to determine auction clearing prices.
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ISO-NE Responds to Feedback on Capacity Auction Reforms Scope
ISO-NE’s Capacity Auction Reforms project will include an evaluation of additional resource accreditation modeling enhancements, the RTO told the NEPOOL Markets Committee.
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PJM Asks FERC to Eliminate Energy Efficiency from Capacity Market
The Independent Market Monitor has argued energy efficiency can’t participate as a capacity resource because the load reductions already are accounted for in PJM’s load forecast.
NEPOOL Participants Committee Votes to Support Hourly GIS Tracking
The NEPOOL Participants Committee voted to update the Generation Information System to enable the transfer of hourly certificates, opening the door for the sale of hourly renewable energy credits. 
Changing System Drives MISO to Scrutinize Guiding Market Principles
MISO is conducting a check-in with stakeholders to gauge whether its market design guiding principles are still valid in a changing industry.

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