Ancillary Services
FERC approved requests by MISO, SPP and PJM to delay their Order 2222 compliance filings by up to nine months.
The NEPOOL Markets and Reliability committees produced a consensus framework document and assumptions for Phase 1 of the Future Grid Reliability Study.
FERC granted MISO permission to embed the production costs of providing spinning reserves in its market prices.
PJM stakeholders endorsed an issue charge regarding the allocation of capacity transfer rights after delaying the vote last month.
Gov. Greg Abbot rejected calls to fire PUC Chair Arthur D’Andrea, who has refused to reprice billions of ERCOT transactions during February’s winter storm.
PJM’s Monitor sounded alarms about market power in the energy and capacity markets and said it may intervene in the RTO’s next capacity auction.
The U.S. House of Representatives’ principal oversight committee joined the roster of agencies investigating ERCOT following February’s severe winter storm.
Staff told the ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee that it will be asked next month to sunset the RTC Task Force and instead focus on the Passport Program.
Stakeholders in SPP’s Western Imbalance Service market unanimously approved its Feb. 1 launch, the last major milestone in a project that began in 2019.
ISO-NE said stakeholders’ proposed schedule for the Phase 1 reliability and market analyses in the Future Grid Initiative is "aggressive but achievable."
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