Ancillary Services
PJM is considering a significant increase in the performance requirements for participants in its frequency regulation market.
FERC rejected for a second time proposed rules by Arizona Public Service on external resources can use dynamic scheduling to participate in the EIM.
FERC is considering changes to its Electric Quarterly Report rules, including requiring data on ancillary services transactions and changes to how financially settled trades are reported.
FERC approved rule changes to improve the ability of energy storage resources to participate in CAISO markets.
Panelists at the PJM Grid 20/20 summit discussed the challenges of conflicting state public policy, competing interests and the impact on the RTO's competitive markets.
CAISO provided an explanation of its decision to increase regulation requirements in response to the growing variability on its system.
PJM and the Retail Electric Supply Association (RESA) want a say in the Dayton Power and Light plan to keep its coal-fired plants running.
The ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee held an email vote to unanimously approve a nodal operating guide revision request.
A summary of the measures approved by the PJM Markets and Reliability Committee and the Members Committee on June 30, 2016.
Nearly every participant at a FERC technical conference on Order 1000 urged the commission to improve transparency in planners’ decision-making processes.
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