Ancillary Services
FERC on Thursday approved energy storage and reliability improvement rules that help ensure CAISO will be able to meet needs.
ERCOT staff report designating 19 firm fuel supply service resources after the Legislature passed safeguard bill.
NYISO needs to improve shortage pricing and create smaller capacity zones, the ISO’s market monitoring unit reports in its 2022 State of the Market report.
The Texas Legislature is working to pass bills to facilitate fossil fuel energy generation but limit renewable energy generation.
Fletcher, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
ISO-NE is targeting 2025 for the launch of its Day-Ahead Ancillary Services Initiative, to ensure reliable next‐day operating plans with increasing renewables.
A new report from the American Council on Renewable Energy recommends MISO make multiple edits to its markets to take advantage of a shifting resource mix.
ISO-NE stakeholders approved a proposed filing on DERs but rejected the RTO’s concerns in backing Ocean State Power's bid to remain a capacity resource.
FERC partially accepted NYISO’s second compliance filing for Order 2222, directing the ISO to submit another within 30 days to correct inconsistencies.
NYISO updated the Operating Committee about forecasted summer conditions, assessing that margins are declining over time as NYISO transitions to clean energy.
NYISO gave ICAP/MIWG proposed methodology for measuring implied marginal emission rates to increase transparency around New York’s emissions output.
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