Energy Market
The Market Implementation Committee held discussions on credit requirements and stability-limited generators, and received updates on the ARR/FTR Market Task Force and the nGEM project.
PJM backed off plans to seek a vote on short-term changes to its 5-minute dispatch and pricing procedures after pushback from the Monitor and stakeholders.
A new initiative will aim to help NYISO improve its monitoring of fuel and energy security across the New York grid, stakeholders heard.
Longview Power, a supercritical coal-fired generator that claims to be the most efficient coal facility in North America, filed for bankruptcy again.
NYISO floated a plan that would provide hybrid storage resources three options for participating in its energy and capacity markets.
FERC rejected ISO-NE’s request to rehear its decision requiring the RTO to revise its energy storage rules to account for a resource’s state of charge in the day-ahead market.
SPP’s Market Monitor said MISO and SPP must rethink some of their fees and practices before rolling out coordinated transaction scheduling across the seam.
While COVID-19 has dampened industrial output and electricity load in much of the nation, ERCOT continues to set the pace for increases in demand.
MISO is looking into a forward market mechanism and improvements to its scarcity and emergency pricing under its resource availability and need project.
ERCOT stakeholders have began reviewing and commenting on the protocol changes the grid operator has drafted to add real-time co-optimization.
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