Energy Market

The Brattle Group
Brattle New Mexico Study Shows EDAM Benefits Outpacing Markets+
A new study may dispel the notion that New Mexico utilities must follow the day-ahead market choice of their Arizona counterparts in order to realize benefits from market participation.
Changing System Drives MISO to Scrutinize Guiding Market Principles
MISO is conducting a check-in with stakeholders to gauge whether its market design guiding principles are still valid in a changing industry.
Tacoma Public Utilities
3rd ‘Issue Alert’ Compares Pricing Practices in Markets+, EDAM
Enhanced protections against uncompetitive market behavior are among several tools to ensure fair and accurate pricing under a Markets+ framework, according to the latest "issue alert" from entities that back its development.
Late August Heat Wave Delivers 122-GW MISO Summer Peak
MISO set its 122-GW summertime peak on the unofficial last week of summer, with widespread heat necessitating back-to-back maximum generation warnings.
Black Hills Energy
CAISO’s WEIM Plucks Black Hills Utilities from SPP’s WEIS
CAISO scored a geographically small but symbolically significant victory with the announcement that two Black Hills Energy subsidiaries will move to the ISO’s Western Energy Imbalance Market.
JIRSA Hedrick
Colorado PUC Adopts Rules for Utility Participation in Markets
Colorado’s investor-owned utilities must compare available alternatives when asking regulators for approval to participate in an RTO or ISO, but not to join a day-ahead market.
Bonneville Power Administration
BPA Postpones Day-ahead Market Decision Until 2025
The Bonneville Power Administration will delay its decision on choosing between SPP’s Markets+ and CAISO’s Extended Day-Ahead Market until May 2025.
PJM MRC/MC Briefs: Aug. 21, 2024
Consumers and electric distributors in PJM opposed a proposal to revise two financial parameters used to calculate the cost of new entry input to the 2027/28 Base Residual Auction.
Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment
Single Western Market Best for Reliability Needs, Panelists Say
A single Western market is one of the safest bets to address the region’s reliability and cost issues in the face of extreme weather events, proponents of the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative said during a panel discussion.
MISO Predicts Painless Fall Despite Missouri Capacity Shortfall
MISO doesn’t believe autumn will prove much trouble for it to tackle, though it faces a capacity shortfall in Missouri.

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