October 12, 2024

Energy Market

MISO Market Subcommittee Briefs
MISO last month called on load-modifying resources for the first time in 10 years after it declared an unusual mid-spring maximum generation emergency.
PJM Differs with Monitor in State of the Market Response
While PJM and its Independent Market Monitor agree that its markets “work” and are competitive, they disagree on what might make them better.
NECA 2017: Embrace Disruption for Reliable New England Grid
More than 250 participants attended the NECA and Connecticut Power and Energy Society’s 24th New England Energy Conference.
MISO Exploring Multiday Market
MISO is testing the waters for creating a multiday energy market that would keep generators with long start-up times switched on for more than one day.
Monitor Report Shows Sharp Decline in CAISO Costs
CAISO’s wholesale costs to serve load last year fell by 9%, the lowest nominal expense since 2008, according to an annual market performance report.
NYISO Sees Carbon Adder as Way to Link ZECs to Markets
NYISO told FERC it is considering a carbon adder as a means to link the state’s zero-emission credits (ZECs) to its wholesale electric market.
CAISO EIM Exports Rise with Spring, Report Shows
EIM transfers out of CAISO were on the upswing in March, re-establishing a pattern first seen last spring with California’s growing solar surpluses.
PJM Stakeholders Offer Different Takes on Markets’ Viability
In the afternoon of day one of FERC's major technical conference focused on PJM, with CEO Andy Ott, IMM Joe Bowring and state regulators testifying.
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Power Markets at Risk from State Actions, Speakers Tell FERC
Speakers told FERC this week that RTO capacity markets are in serious danger from state renewable procurements and subsidies for nuclear plants.
SPP Board of Directors/Members Committee Briefs
The SPP Board of Directors and members approved the nomination of three new representatives to the Members Committee and bylaw changes.

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