Energy Market
CAISO issued its first energy emergency alert of the summer after falling short on ramping capacity as solar output rolled off its system.
CAISO’s Western Energy Imbalance Market took the unusual step of rescinding a rule change that it never actually implemented.
PJM released a report on the December 2022 winter storm detailing its emergency actions and recommended changes to its markets and operations to limit the impact of future severe weather.
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals remanded FERC’s approval of the Southeast Energy Exchange Market back to the commission for additional proceedings.
The competition for organized markets in the West grew Friday as the Bonneville Power Administration launched a process to choose between day-ahead markets proposed by CAISO and SPP and regulators from five Western states urged the establishment of a new, independent RTO covering the entire West.
MISO IMM David Patton appeared before the Market Subcommittee to again criticize the future resource mix assumptions MISO is using to craft a second long-range transmission plan.
NYISO has identified a software issue that potentially constitutes a market problem and says it will confidentially investigate the impact.
Current or former FERC commissioners shared their views on the future of RTOs and the relationship between state and federal regulators.
North Carolina businesses called for a study of wholesale market competition, including a possible RTO, citing a lack of “cost-competitive, clean energy.”
ERCOT staff said it faces a tight timeline to add a new ancillary service by Dec. 1, 2024, as required by the recent Texas legislative session.
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