Energy Market
MISO’s December emergency declaration ignited a debate over whether the RTO should enter emergency procedures to sustain its neighbors during extreme weather.
NYISO's Business Issues Committee approved proposed tariff revisions to rules for capacity resource interconnection service (CRIS) expiration and transferring.
The PJM MIC endorsed a proposal to increase the maximum number of bids a single corporate entity can place in the RTO’s financial transmission rights auctions.
After a quarter century, there is still no consensus on whether RTO markets and retail choice lead to lower prices.
A recent New York Times article rekindled the debate over RTO markets and electric deregulation and a Harvard study released last month provides new ammunition.
The energy department of outgoing Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker left a gift on the governor’s last day in office: a Forward Clean Energy Market proposal.
ERCOT survived a record-breaking summer and a pre-Christmas winter storm, but now it must gain lawmakers' approval of a new market design.
MISO made several maneuvers in 2022 to position itself for a majority-renewable portfolio while attempting to take the sting out of a rising capacity deficit.
SPP continues to make a misnomer out of the "Southwest" portion of its name, expanding its beachhead in the Western Interconnection along several fronts.
PJM's MRC rejected two proposals that would have created a “circuit breaker” mechanism to limit prices during extended periods of high prices.
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