Energy Market
Texas regulators have received almost 120 comments from ERCOT stakeholders and the public about a proposed market redesign to be turned over to lawmakers.
MISO reported a later completion of its market platform replacement and added two new members while members installed new Advisory Committee leadership.
CAISO issued its final plan to add a day-ahead market to its real-time Energy Imbalance Market, and PacifiCorp said it would join if the plan is approved.
MISO mostly sailed through fall, encountering rough patches only when unseasonably warm weather clashed with generator maintenance season.
Texas lawmakers say they are concerned the Public Utility Commission’s proposals don’t do enough to encourage investment in new gas-fired generation.
MISO said it “largely agrees” with the five new market recommendations issued by its Independent Market Monitor this year.
MISO is proposing a round of elimination and biennial reviews of its “parking lot” list of improvement ideas, with some stakeholders putting up resistance.
SPP has released the final proposal that details the proposed governance structure, market design and other key features for its Markets+ offering in the West.
The IMM offered limited support for major provisions in PJM’s quadrennial review filing before FERC while urging the agency seek revisions to some proposals.
An extended day-ahead market for CAISO's Western Energy Imbalance Market could produce up to $1.2 billion annually for Western participants, a new study found.
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