Energy Market
Texas lawmakers and ERCOT stakeholders did not hold back as they took their first shots at state regulators' proposed redesign of the market.
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee endorsed an RTO-sponsored package to standardize variable operations and maintenance costs.
BPA proposed to hold its rates mostly flat over its next two-year rate cycle — and said it might cut rates this year — thanks to surging revenues.
The proposed governance structure for SPP's Markets+ service offering and resource adequacy are two key differences with CAISO's RTO proposal.
A U.S. bankruptcy judge has approved a settlement agreement between ERCOT and Brazos Electric in the cooperative's Chapter 11 bankruptcy hearing.
Texas regulators are pushing a performance credit mechanism that requires load-serving entities to buy performance-based credits from generation resources.
CAISO's draft final proposal for a day-ahead expansion of its Western Energy Imbalance Market is up for review this month, with a final plan due in December.
SPP will implement major components of its Markets+ governance structure next year and also explore launching a transitional real-time balancing market.
The PJM Operating Committee has endorsed the winter weekly reserve target values, which are used to coordinate planned outages scheduled during winter.
Keynoting the Energy Bar Association Texas Chapter’s Energy Symposium, Lori Cobos said ERCOT stakeholders will soon get a look at the market’s redesign.
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