Energy Market
CAISO's revised plan for a WEIM extended day-ahead market makes changes to transmission requirements and penalties for failing resource sufficiency evaluations.
The PJM MRC will vote on rules governing the inclusion of variable environmental charges in cost-based offers and four sets of capacity auction parameters.
Andre m, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia
The California State Legislature passed a resolution requesting that CAISO report on efforts to create an RTO in the West and its potential benefits.
The Bonneville Power Administration has said it will become the first western utility to formally commit to funding development of SPP’s Markets+ in the West.
SPP and Western entities interested in the RTO’s Markets+ “RTO light” offering continued to inch toward each other during another development session.
PJM's real-time LMPs and congestion costs both spiked in the first half of 2022, driven by increasing fuel prices and loads, the IMM reported.
Stakeholders urged PJM to delay action on generation deliverability testing until rules on capacity interconnection rights for ELCC resources are complete.
The MIC approved an initiative to change the determination of zonal load bus distribution factors and heard first read on changes to VOM cost development.
SPP’s Western Energy Imbalance Service market saw “very limited growth” in its first 13 months, SPP’s MMU said in its first annual report on the market.
ERCOT's Technical Advisory Committee endorsed two transmission projects with a combined capital cost of more than $760 million.
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