Energy Market

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ERCOT Board of Directors Briefs: June 21, 2022
ERCOT’s Board of Directors has resolved one of two contentious issues between staff and stakeholders, setting the other aside for the time being.
SEEM’s Sellers Pushes Reliability, Continuity to SERC Board
A representative of the new Southeast Energy Exchange Market assured SERC on Thursday that its reliability role will not change under the new market.
FERC Partially Accepts NYISO Order 2222 Compliance
FERC accepted NYISO's Order 2222 compliance filing but directed the ISO to file revisions related to small utility opt-in requirements and other provisions.
NYISO Management Committee Briefs: June 14, 2022
NYISO’s Management Committee received an update from FERC on the commission’s recent areas of interest.
PJM Responds to Market Monitor Recommendations
PJM responded to its Market Monitor’s latest recommendations, noting that many of the issues are in the scope of current stakeholder discussions.
PJM Market Implementation Committee Briefs: June 8, 2022
The PJM MIC discussed rules on including environmental credits in energy offers, setting pricing during market suspensions and DR for weather-sensitive load.
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SPP Woos Western Utilities with Markets+ Offering
SPP is continuing its delicate dance with Western utilities with a charm offensive that includes a first-hand look at the RTO’s sausage-making process.
FERC Continues Ordering Refunds from 2020 Heat Event
FERC ordered two more sellers to issue refunds for excess prices earned in the August 2020 Western heat wave event.
PJM MRC Briefs: May 25, 2022
Stakeholders unanimously endorsed a revised proposal from PJM and the Independent Market Monitor addressing start-up cost offer development.
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CAISO Tackles EDAM Design in Stakeholder Meeting
A two-day CAISO stakeholder meeting on the proposed day-ahead extension of the Western EIM focused on resource sufficiency and transmission.

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