Energy Market
In its State of the Market report, ERCOT's Market Monitor said the grid operator's conservative operations approach undermines the energy-only market’s design.
The Bonneville Power Administration experienced two major “price excursion” events in the Western EIM within two weeks of joining the market.
MISO intends to adjust the time it allows itself to retroactively correct market pricing errors, stakeholders learned during a Market Subcommittee meeting.
Potomac Economics is recommending that NYISO take a comprehensive approach to lowering the costs of satisfying the grid’s needs and improving incentives.
The NYISO Business Issues Committee approved revisions to the Ancillary Services Manual and ICAP Manual, and discussed FERC's approval of its BSM rules.
Lawmakers, regulators, agency administrators and power producers explored the clean energy transformation in New York at IPPNY's 36th annual Spring Conference.
brewbooks, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
FERC approved tariff revisions to correct a defect in how CAISO sets penalty prices for the relaxation of intertie transmission
FERC continued to tell utilities to refund premiums they earned on top of extraordinarily high prices in August 2020 during a heat wave.
Utility regulators from Maine and Massachusetts shared their thoughts on the path forward on Pathways.
Order 2222 filings have been contentious in every region, including New England.
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