Energy Market
CAISO issued a straw proposal for its extended day-ahead offering in the Western Energy Imbalance Market, a renewed effort at greater Western regionalization.
MISO warned that even a normal amount of demand and generation outages will likely send it into emergency procedures this summer.
CAISO's Western Energy Imbalance Market surpassed $2 billion in total member benefits only 20 months after hitting the $1 billion mark in 2020.
The RE+ Texas conference drew hundreds of renewable energy experts to the state that leads in wind production and may soon lead in solar energy too.
FERC ordered six more entities to refund the premiums they earned from sales into CAISO during the severe heat wave of August 2020.
FERC reversed a decision that allowed CAISO to include an adder in the formula for offers that exceed the soft cap for its capacity procurement mechanism.
The Gulf Coast Power Association drew more than 400 attendees to its first in-person Spring Conference, and 35th overall, since 2019.
The Arizona legislature passed a bill that would close the door to electric retail competition, but lawmakers said the conversation on deregulation isn't over.
FERC ordered CAISO, ISO-NE, MISO, NYISO, PJM and SPP to report on how system needs are changing with their shifting resource mixes and how they will meet them.
Rising natural gas prices and extreme weather pushed wholesale electricity prices higher in 2021, FERC said in its annual State of the Markets report.
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