Energy Market
The NYISO BIC heard the ISO's monthly operations report and recommended tariff revisions updating bid production cost guarantee payment provisions.
MISO is seeking final stakeholder opinions before it makes an April filing to comply with FERC’s directive that RTOs open wholesale markets to DER aggregations.
The Rocky Mountain chapter of the Energy Bar Association hosted a panel to discuss the intricacies of creating an organized market in the West.
MISO warned about possible maximum generation emergencies should high load and high outages collide this spring.
PJM presented an updated proposal addressing start-up cost offer development to the MIC after being sent back to a subcommittee for more work.
PJM energy prices last year surged to their highest levels since 2014, more than making up for declines from the pandemic-driven economic downturn in 2020.
ERCOT’s Board of Directors left the ISO's top stakeholder committee in limbo this week as it continues to debate governance and stakeholder coordination.
ERCOT’s conservative use of reliability unit commitments to procure standby reserves since last year’s winter storm is under question.
Stakeholders expressed concerns over a PJM plan to address the extension of a temporary change made last year to maximum emergency status.
CAISO, SPP and the Western Power Pool are all maneuvering to organize the Western electricity sector, and conditions finally seem ripe for change.
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