Energy Market
ERCOT’s Technical Advisory Committee approved a request to create a task force to address interconnecting large flexible loads flocking to the state.
NYISO expects by next winter to meet the recommendations made in the joint FERC-NERC report on the February 2021 winter storm in the Midwest and Texas.
Competitive generators and others discussed market changes at the Electric Power Supply Association Competitive Power Summit at the National Press Club.
Two experts on either side of the argument debated how the nascent market will work in practice using several basketball references.
Organized power markets may be more successful at decarbonizing the energy supply, but they face challenges in meeting ambitious policy goals, experts say.
Competitive power generators renewed their calls for a national price on carbon emissions while complaining of a lack of market support for gas generators.
BPA is on track to enter the Western Energy Imbalance Market on May 3, despite lingering issues with software systems related to market integration.
FERC approved an agreement between Dynegy and its Office of Enforcement to settle allegations that the company misrepresented its plants' ramp rates to PJM.
Constellation NewEnergy has agreed to pay $4.7 million in penalties for violating CAISO tariff provisions related to imports intended for resource adequacy.
FERC rejected a protest by PJM’s Monitor in approving Kestrel’s updated market power analysis, saying its complaints were directed at the RTO’s rules.
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