January 31, 2025

Energy Market

NYISO Monthly LBMPs More than Triple from a Year Ago
NYISO locational-based marginal prices averaged $63.70/MWh in February, more than triple the $21.11/MWh average in February 2020.
ERCOT: Market Now Short $3.02B
ERCOT faces a shortfall of more than $3 billion after widespread generator outages stemming from a February winter storm.
Opposition Emerges to Southeast Energy Exchange Market
Stakeholders told FERC that the proposed Southeast Energy Exchange Market (SEEM) doesn’t go far enough to increase competition.
Texas Senate Passes Bill to Reprice ERCOT Feb. Sales
Texas' Senate is requiring the repricing of $4.2 billion in transactions ERCOT’s IMM identified as “billing errors” associated with February's winter storm.
SPP M2M Hits Staggering $168.1M
SPP raked in another $27.87 million in market-to-market settlements from MISO during December and January, pushing its total to $168.11 million.
Abbott Rejects Call to Fire D’Andrea
Gov. Greg Abbot rejected calls to fire PUC Chair Arthur D’Andrea, who has refused to reprice billions of ERCOT transactions during February’s winter storm.
MISO Preps for Capacity Auction, Spring Peak
While it warns of more system risk in the coming years, MISO is preparing for an unremarkable spring and a routine capacity auction.
MISO Stuns Stakeholders with 2nd Order 841 Delay
MISO stakeholders were shocked to learn that the RTO needs another few years to allow energy storage to participate in its markets.
PJM Monitor Sounds Market Power Alarms
PJM’s Monitor sounded alarms about market power in the energy and capacity markets and said it may intervene in the RTO’s next capacity auction.
EIM Governing Body OKs Summer Readiness Measures
The Western Energy Imbalance Market approved two CAISO measures and endorsed a third to improve reliability, mitigate capacity shortfalls.

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