Energy Market
The Senate ENR Committee pressed NERC CEO Jim Robb and PJM CEO Manu Asthana for an explanation of the February winter storm and resulting outages in Texas.
Texas utilities are coming up short on payments to ERCOT, as the state legislature begins considering restructuring the grid operator's governance.
Distributed energy resources will function best in MISO’s markets if aggregations are limited to a single pricing node, RTO officials said.
CAISO’s Market Surveillance Committee has endorsed a set of rule changes designed to avoid shortfalls this summer.
FERC sent ISO-NE a deficiency notice regarding the RTO’s proposed rule revisions for capacity auction values, the NEPOOL Participants Committee heard.
The energy industry’s largest international gathering, CERAWeek by IHS Markit, was held virtually with “unprecedented” participation.
The Texas PUC declined to reprice $16 billion in market transactions that may have been incorrectly priced during the February winter storm.
The names of potential successors to ERCOT CEO Bill Magness have already begun to circulate after the grid operator’s Board of Directors fired him.
The U.S. House of Representatives’ principal oversight committee joined the roster of agencies investigating ERCOT following February’s severe winter storm.
SPP is reviewing its response to the recent winter storm that swept through its footprint, leading to the RTO's first rolling blackouts.
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