Energy Market
NEPOOL and NESCOE are hiring Peter Flynn, a former National Grid executive, to serve as administrator of the Transition to the Future Grid project.
SPP will add eight generating resources that are part of Gridforce’s balancing authority to its reliability coordinator footprint.
Stakeholders in SPP’s Western Energy Imbalance Service market approved three revision requests in response to FERC’s rejection of the proposed Tariff.
The ERCOT TAC debated the "2% rule," discussed the backlog of revision requests, and approved several related to emergency response service.
Hurricane Laura’s lashing of south Louisiana and southeast Texas led MISO to implement last-resort rolling power outages.
Observers cited dependence on imports, underperformance of natural gas and wind, and market manipulation as possible causes of California’s recent blackouts.
The COVID-19 pandemic and accompanying recession will significantly reduce electricity demand in California through 2023.
Economy-wide carbon dioxide emissions in New England fell by 28 to 34% between March and June versus a year earlier.
The Montana PSC “arbitrarily and unlawfully” reduced solar generators’ payments and contract lengths under PURPA, the Supreme Court ruled.
NYISO energy markets performed competitively in the second quarter, with the pandemic leading to the lowest load and average fuel prices in more than a decade.
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