Energy Market
ERCOT’s Technical Advisory Committee approved a standard contract term for emergency response service and some energy storage to use internal sensors.
FERC approved changes to PJM’s fuel-cost policy rules, giving the Monitor an initial 10 business days to review a policy.
The proposed expansion of CAISO’s Western Energy Imbalance Market to a day-ahead market won’t be as voluntary as advertised, some stakeholders are arguing.
ISO-NE analysis suggests that summer demand from June 1 to July 11 was consistent with the 2020 CELT forecast despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The MRC and MC gave a final endorsement of PJM’s short-term proposal to resolve five-minute dispatch and pricing issues.
FERC accepted Tariff revisions filed by ISO-NE and the NEPOOL Participants Committee to make clean-up changes and enhancements to the RTO’s billing policy.
SPP's Western Energy Imbalance Service market is at risk of falling behind schedule because it is still waiting on FERC approval of the standalone Tariff.
CAISO issued a proposal outlining the leading edge of its plan to bring day-ahead trading to the Western Energy Imbalance Market.
FERC accepted SPP Tariff revisions implementing recommendations from the RTO’s stakeholders on fast-start resources and ramping products.
FERC clarified some aspects of its orders approving ISO-NE’s cost-of-service contract with Exelon’s Mystic Generating Station.
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