February 2, 2025

Energy Market

FERC OKs 2 Changes from SPP’s HITT Work
FERC accepted SPP Tariff revisions implementing recommendations from the RTO’s stakeholders on fast-start resources and ramping products.
FERC Tweaks Orders on Mystic Contract
FERC clarified some aspects of its orders approving ISO-NE’s cost-of-service contract with Exelon’s Mystic Generating Station.
Southeast Utilities Talking Regional Market
Utilities and cooperatives in the Southeast have been meeting for months on a plan to create a regional 15-minute energy market.
SPC Endorses SPP’s Strategic Market Roadmap
SPP’s Strategic Planning Committee unanimously endorsed the RTO's Strategic Market Roadmap for 2020, designed to improve market efficiency, reliability and price formation.
PJM PC/TEAC Briefs: July 7, 2020
PJM is looking to select a new load model for the 2020 reserve requirement study focused on the 2024/25 delivery year.
MISO Market Platform Replacement Project up $20M
MISO’s market platform replacement is $20M over budget as staff navigate the intricacies of replacing a decades-old system and pandemic-related issues.
ERCOT Briefs: Week of July 6, 2020
June’s peak demand in ERCOT’s footprint came within 116 MW of last June’s peak, a sign that consumer demand and summer heat are nearing normal levels.
Monitor Says MISO Needs Higher Reserve Margin
MISO’s Monitor said the RTO would be better served by an even higher planning reserve margin, two days after it recorded its first emergency of the summer.
NEPOOL Markets/Reliability Committee Briefs: July 1, 2020
The NEPOOL Markets and Reliability committees heard presentations on studies on how increasing renewables and electrification will affect the ISO-NE grid.
PJM Carbon Pricing Group Talks RPS, ZECs, RGGI
PJM stakeholders continued talks over integrating carbon pricing while focusing on the impacts of states looking to join environmental collectives like RGGI.

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