Energy Market
SPP is facing a two-month delay in gaining FERC approval of the Tariff for its Western Energy Imbalance Service market, staff said.
ERCOT approved suspension-of-operations requests from Austin Energy, saying both units are not required to support the system.
FERC will hold two technical conferences this year: one to examine carbon pricing in wholesale markets, and another to consider transmission policies in relation to offshore wind.
MISO said it continues to weigh changes to its markets and resource adequacy construct as part of its multiyear resource availability and need project.
New England’s total wholesale costs of electricity last year fell 19% to $9.8 billion, according to the ISO-NE Market Monitor’s 2019 Annual Markets Report.
Generation and load interests are no closer to agreement over ISO-NE's Energy Security Improvements proposal, a NECA webcast discussion showed.
MISO can begin requiring new solar generation in its footprint to become dispatchable by early 2022, FERC ruled.
Stakeholders endorsed a PJM proposal to resolve issues in five-minute dispatch and pricing but urged the RTO to continue seeking solutions.
ISO-NE’s energy transactions rang in at $159 million in April, the lowest monthly total since 2003, the NEPOOL Participants Committee heard.
FERC approved Basin Electric Power Cooperative’s request to make wholesale sales of energy, capacity and ancillary services at market-based rates.
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