MISO Board of Directors
A summary of issues the MISO Markets Committee of the Board of Directors discussed at the MISO Informational Forum last week.
MISO's Board of Directors will generally be limited to three three-year terms, while the board chairman will be allowed to hold the gavel for a maximum of five years.
MISO Market Monitor David Patton called for tighter rules on wayward generators, more precise real-time pricing and a fix for Financial Transmission Rights funding shortfalls.
Dynegy CEO Robert Flexon defended his company’s bidding strategy in MISO’s April capacity auction and said the controversy over the results signals the need for a regulatory change in Illinois.
MISO will reevaluate the metrics used in evaluating market efficiency transmission projects because of concerns they are unduly conservative and preventing viable solutions to congestion.
With its reliance on demand response and behind-the-meter generation increasing amid generator retirements, MISO plans to update the way it sets prices during emergency resource offers.
Over the objections of transmission developers and independent power producers, MISO’s Board of Directors voted unanimously Thursday to approve Entergy’s request for $217 million in out-of-cycle transmission projects.
By Chris O’Malley
CARMEL, Ind. — MISO’s Board of Directors System Planning Committee voted unanimously Tuesday to approve Entergy’s request for $217 million...
Stinging from objections to Entergy’s proposed Lake Charles transmission upgrade, MISO has launched discussions that could lead to refinements in its procedures for handling out-of-cycle requests.
MISO management has reiterated its recommendation that $200 million in proposed out-of-cycle projects by Entergy be approved by the RTO.
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