MISO Resource Adequacy Subcommittee (RASC)
After discord surrounding MISO’s plan to incorporate external zones into its auction and divvy up excess revenues, Entergy emerged with its own plan.
MISO previewed its comments to FERC in response to Rick Perry’s proposal to allow “resilient” resources with a 90-day on-site supply of fuel.
MISO has decided to delay the formation of external resource zones and seasonal capacity.
Market participants remain skeptical of a MISO plan to integrate external resource zones into its annual capacity auction.
MISO has introduced a three-step checklist that owners of BTM generation can use to prove deliverability for the Planning Resource Auction.
MISO presented stakeholders with a proposal to tighten rules on capacity imports amid uncertainty over a recent appellate court ruling.
MISO has adopted the Independent Market Monitor’s recommendation to base pricing of external capacity resources on bordering balancing authorities.
Stakeholders voted overwhelmingly to end debate about whether costs for MISO’s transmission use settlement with SPP should be allocated by capacity benefit.
Customers of the Southwestern Power Administration asked MISO to change how it accredits their hydropower allocations - from baseload to peaking power.
Stakeholders will vote on whether it’s worth debating the cost allocation for holders of firm transmission service reservations of more than 1,000 MW.
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