September 29, 2024


The New York Independent System Operator Inc., a not-for-profit regional transmission owner, is responsible for operating New York's bulk electrical grid, administering the state's wholesale electricity markets, maintaining grid stability, and ensuring the reliability and planning of the state's bulk energy system.
NYISO TPAS Briefs: Jan. 19, 2023
Roger Clayton of the NYSRC told stakeholders that the council is developing interconnection reliability rules for inverter-based resources.
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NYISO Outlines Timelines for 2023 Projects
NYISO presented its anticipated schedules for its Installed Capacity market, energy market and new resource integration projects for this year.
Financial Concerns Continue for Major Northeast OSW Projects
Two major offshore wind power developers are warning again of economic problems with projects off the New York and New England coasts.
National Grid
FERC Approves NYPA Cost Recovery for Smart Path Project
FERC Ok'd New York Power Authority’s transmission rates for the Smart Path Connect transmission project after the utility showed it received state approval.
NYISO Business Issues Committee Briefs: Jan. 18, 2023
NYISO's Business Issues Committee approved proposed tariff revisions to rules for capacity resource interconnection service (CRIS) expiration and transferring.
NYISO Completes Class Year 2021 Projects
NYISO announced that it had completed the final interconnection studies for its Class Year 2021 group of projects.
After a Quarter Century Industry Experts Still Split on Restructuring
After a quarter century, there is still no consensus on whether RTO markets and retail choice lead to lower prices.
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2023 Preview of NY Legislature on Energy and Environment
The New York State Legislature is poised to take up many bills that build on the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act.
Study Makes Case for Storage as Transmission Asset in NY
The energy storage units planned in great number in New York can also serve the state’s grid as transmission assets, a new study finds.
NYISO Finalizes CRIS Tariff Revisions
NYISO presented a proposed timeline for finalizing tariff revisions related to capacity resource interconnection service expiration and transfer rules.

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