September 29, 2024


The New York Independent System Operator Inc., a not-for-profit regional transmission owner, is responsible for operating New York's bulk electrical grid, administering the state's wholesale electricity markets, maintaining grid stability, and ensuring the reliability and planning of the state's bulk energy system.
FERC Gives NYISO Until 2026 to Complete Order 2222 Compliance
FERC approved NYISO’s request for up to 3 more years to implement tariff revisions that will allow DERs in aggregations to provide all their ancillary services.
NYISO Management Committee Briefs: Nov. 30, 2022
NYISO’s Management Committee approved tariff revisions and received briefings on the ISO’s winter supply outlook and its updated Strategic Plan.
Greenidge Generation Holdings
NY Slaps Moratorium on Certain Crypto Mining Permits
Citing climate risks, New York imposed the nation’s first moratorium on permitting new crypto mining operations powered by fossil fuel generation.
Troutman Pepper
NY TOs Seek Clarification on ROFR for Upgrades
New York TOs proposed tariff amendments that would clarify their ability to exercise a ROFR for public policy transmission network upgrade facility upgrades.
DCO Energy
NY Stakeholders Balk at NJ OSW Cost Allocation
New York stakeholders are challenging a PJM rule change they say could hit them with some of the cost of New Jersey's transmission upgrades for offshore wind.
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Clean Energy in NY: Reveling in Opportunity, Realistic About Challenge
With the green energy agenda intact after Election Day and billions in federal funding coming, ACE NY held its fall conference on a triumphal note.
NYISO Stakeholders Propose Three Areas for Public Policy Transmission
NYISO stakeholders urged "public policy" transmission upgrades upstate, downstate and along the Pennsylvania border during the ISO’s 60-day comment period.
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NYISO Identifies 35 Projects for Narrowed SRIS Scope
NYISO proposed narrowing the system reliability impact study scopes for 35 generation projects in the queue in order to expedite the interconnection process.
Transmission Developers Inc.
Champlain Hudson Power Express Closes on Financing
Champlain Hudson Power Express it closed on the financing needed to build its roughly $6 billion underground transmission line linking Quebec and New York City.
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NYISO OC Approves CY21 Cost Allocations
The NYISO OC has approved the class year 2021 study report; now generation developers must decide whether to accept or reject their cost allocations.

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