Other NYISO Committees
FERC denied Bayonne Energy Center a waiver of several NYISO Tariff provisions, which the plant said it needed to enter the ISO’s June capacity auction.
Consolidated Edison’s (Con Ed) Q1 2018 earnings jumped more than 10% on an increased rate base and a weather-related boost in steam revenues.
Preliminary results from a biennial NYISO study show high congestion in three areas of the New York bulk power system.
The New York ISO (NYISO) faces increasing penetration of intermittent distributed energy resources (DER), declining load, all-time low energy prices and the need to replace aging generation.
The New York Integrating Public Policy Task Force tackled the complex issue of avoiding the pitfall of “carbon leakage.”
FERC rejected the New York PSC request to rehear a November 2017 decision granting NextEra Energy a 50-basis-point adder for participating in NYISO.
FERC ruled that NYISO must make additional changes to comply with Order 1000.
FERC allowed NYISO to temporarily waive energy offer caps in response to recent natural gas price spikes stemming from this winter’s extreme cold snap.
The three grid operators serving the East Coast, ISO-NE, NYISO and PJM Interconnection, have so far weathered the extended cold snap gripping the region.
NYISO asked FERC to deny the Entergy request that the commission clarify the deadline for Indian Point's market power review.
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