Other NYISO Committees
New York policymakers were very busy in 2017, working on carbon pricing in wholesale markets and facing down legal challenges to its nuclear subsidies.
Entergy asked FERC to clarify the deadline for NYISO to complete a final market power review for the deactivation of the Indian Point nuclear plant.
New York’s electric system has the capacity to meet peak demand for electricity during extreme cold weather conditions through the 2017-2018 winter season.
NYISO has developed a three-phase approach to opening its wholesale electricity market to energy storage resources in response to New York policy goals.
NYISO third-quarter energy prices fell 16 to 30% versus a year ago due to falling electricity demand and lower natural gas costs according to the ISO’s MMU.
FERC approved NYISO’s request for a 30-day extension for submitting additional reliability-must-run (RMR) tariff revisions.
FERC denied NRG’s request for rehearing of an order concerning NYISO Tariff revisions intended to correct an inefficiency in the ISO’s capacity market.
FERC accepted NYISO’s proposed Tariff changes establishing a cost recovery mechanism for transmission projects in the Comprehensive System Planning Process.
FERC approved NYISO’s more stringent testing requirements for generators providing black start and system restoration services.
FERC granted NYISO a waiver of its shortage pricing rules, giving the ISO time to align its Tariff with its market software.
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