September 29, 2024


PJM Interconnection LLC is a regional transmission organization that coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity in all or parts of Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia.
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PJM Members Committee Approves Performance Penalty Reduction
The PJM Members Committee approved a proposal that would sharply reduce the penalties generators pay for underperforming during emergency conditions.
Gov. Greg Abbott via Twitter
Vistra Bolstering its Zero-carbon Generation
Vistra says its excited about its recent acquisition of Energy Harbor, which will more than double the company’s zero-carbon generation currently online.
Illinois Regulators Hear from RTOs on Summer Readiness
The Illinois Commerce Commission questioned MISO and PJM officials on their respective RTOs’ preparations for summer, with some concerned about reliability.
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PJM Hears from White House Official on Security
A White House official urged participants in PJM’s General Session to engage in closer collaboration at all levels as cyber and physical security threats morph.
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Public Interest, Environmental Groups Urge Transparency at PJM
Consumer advocates, environmental groups and a Maryland lawmaker urged PJM to adopt more transparent decision making processes.
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PJM CEO, Panelists Address Reliability During Annual Meeting
PJM's CEO said challenges lie ahead for stakeholders as they wrestle with a possible overhaul to the capacity market to address resource adequacy concerns.
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PJM MRC Endorses Proposal to Reduce Performance Penalties
The MRC endorsed a proposal to reduce penalties for generators that don’t meet their capacity obligations during performance assessment intervals.
PJM MC Preview: May 11, 2023
A summary of the agenda items scheduled to be brought to a vote at the special PJM Members Committee meeting.
Dominion Energy
Dominion Sees Earnings Drop, but CEO Blue Predicts Bright Future
Dominion Energy said warm weather in the first quarter of this year led to lower operating earnings of 99 cents/share, compared to $1.18 a year earlier.
Electric cat, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
AEP Continues to ‘De-risk’ its Businesses
AEP says it plans to sell its AEP Energy competitive retail business in PJM as it continues to simplify and de-risk its operations.

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