September 28, 2024


PJM Interconnection LLC is a regional transmission organization that coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity in all or parts of Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia.
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NJ Senate Energy Committee Backs PJM Interconnection ‘Skip’ for Solar
New Jersey’s Senate Environment and Energy Committee passed a bill supporters said would allow grid-scale solar projects of up to 20 MW to bypass PJM’s interconnection queue and connect to the grid through their local utility.
PJM MRC/MC Preview: June 27, 2024

The Markets and Reliability Committee will vote on whether to endorse proposed revisions to Manual 18 to reflect redesigns drafted through the Critical Issue Fast Path process.

Aurora Energy Research
Report Shows Wide Range of Data Center Demand Scenarios for Virginia
Growing demand from Northern Virginia’s Data Center Alley could outpace the power industry’s ability to keep up, according to a new report by Aurora Energy Research.
EIA: Dispatch of Coal Generation Falls in PJM
Analysis from EIA finds the average runtime for PJM coal-fired generators has declined sharply over the past decade because of increasing fuel and start-up costs.
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TOs Approve Transferring Transmission Plan Filing Rights to PJM
PJM transmission owners approved transferring filing rights over the RTO’s transmission plan to the grid operator itself through a package of amendments to the Consolidated Transmission Owners Agreement. 
Stakeholder Soapbox: A New Twist on Capacity Markets in Japan
Recent developments in Japan have revealed that its market differs in significant ways from those in the U.S. — including from the very PJM capacity market on which it modeled its own.
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PJM PC/TEAC Briefs: June 4, 2024
PJM stakeholders received updates on the RTO's plan for long-range transmission planning and utilities' supplemental projects to deal with growing data center load.
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PJM MIC Briefs: June 5, 2024
PJM’s Market Implementation Committee endorsed by acclamation a proposal to add two energy market parameters for economic demand response.
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PJM OC Briefs: June 6, 2024

PJM presented its Operating Committee with a set of revisions to Manual 12 regarding fuel assurance requirements for black start resources.

ACEG Report Lays out the Case for Proactive Planning in PJM
PJM should adopt a more proactive transmission planning process to deal with the changing resource mix and growing demand on its system in the coming 15 years, according to a report by Americans for a Clean Energy Grid.

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