PJM Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC)
With just seven weeks until PJM conducts its first Base Residual Auction incorporating the newly approved Capacity Performance product, stakeholders gathered for a peek at the comprehensive changes.
Our summary of the issues scheduled for votes at the PJM MRC on 06/25/15. Each item is listed by agenda number, description and projected time of discussion, followed by a summary of the issue and links to prior coverage.
A first-read proposal to disband a deadlocked Financial Transmission Rights/Auction Revenue Rights Senior Task Force drew a strong reaction from PJM stakeholders.
A summary of the issues discussed and measures approved by the PJM Markets and Reliability Committee on May 28, 2015.
Our summary of the issues scheduled for votes at the PJM MRC on 05/28/15. Each item is listed by agenda number, description and projected time of discussion, followed by a summary of the issue and links to prior coverage.
Calpine won PJM stakeholder approval for an initiative that could give generators more flexibility in pricing following an unusually lengthy debate before the Markets and Reliability Committee Thursday.
A proposal to impose a temporary $0.07/MWh uplift charge on all netted virtual transactions received a cool response from PJM members Thursday — including a rebuff from the attorney for the Financial Marketers Coalition.
PJM is considering changing its day-ahead market schedule in response to FERC's April 16 ruling revising the interstate gas nomination timeline.
PJM stakeholders approved tighter rules on generator lost opportunity costs but rejected a proposal to limit eligibility to the most flexible combustion units.
A summary of measures approved by the PJM Markets and Reliability and Members committees on April 23.
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