PJM Board of Managers
FERC has rejected two complaints from the West Virginia Public Service Commission and the Independent Market Monitor seeking access to PJM's Liaison Committee.
A group of demand response providers in PJM proposed adding two hours to the availability window that binds when the resource can be deployed by the RTO.
Legislators in five states in PJM have filed similar bills that would require regulated utilities to submit all of their stakeholder votes publicly with state regulators.
PJM and stakeholders spent much of 2023 debating how to position the RTO's markets to be prepared for future severe weather and maintain the balance between retiring fossil generation and renewable development.
The PJM Board of Managers approved staff's recommended projects for the third window of the 2022 Regional Transmission Expansion Plan.
Comments are due Nov. 3 on PJM’s proposal, which it said would improve reliability and incentivize resource development while controlling costs.
PJM's Board of Managers has adopted a variant of the RTO annual capacity market CIFP proposal, which includes changes to risk modeling, accreditation and capacity performance.
PJM members recommended various avenues for the RTO's Board of Managers to consider as it weighs a possible FERC filing incorporating components of proposals made during the critical issue fast path process.
None of the 20 proposals PJM and stakeholders drafted through the critical issue fast path to rework the capacity market garnered sector-weighted support from the Members Committee.
PJM and stakeholders presented their final CIFP proposals and posted executive summaries explaining how their packages would redesign the RTO's capacity market.
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