PJM Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee (TEAC)
PJM planners will recommend almost $150 million in transmission upgrades in New Jersey to address reliability problems anticipated from the retirement of the B.L. England coal-fired generator.
Dominion and PSE&G appear to have vaulted into contention in the Artificial Island contest following a design change by PJM planners.
By David Jwanier
With PJM planners nearing a proposed fix for the Artificial Island stability problem, the issue of who will pay for the project took center...
PJM is close to naming a developer to fix the Artificial Island transmission stability problem, with LS Power’s proposal for an overhead crossing of the Delaware River holding on as the lowest-cost choice.
PJM says it may have to spend $148 million on grid upgrades if the B.L. England Generating Station plant retirement is unable to proceed with its natural gas repowering plan.
PJM will conduct training April 17 for transmission developers who want to submit proposals in the RTO’s second “market efficiency” window in November.
The solution to the Artificial Island transmission stability problem may be more costly than originally estimated, PJM officials said last week.
The review of proposed solutions to the Artificial Island transmission stability problem is taking PJM longer than expected and the selection of the winner could be months away.
As expected, PJM transmission planners said last week they will recommend the PJM Board of Managers approve FirstEnergy’s proposed $8 million congestion-relief upgrade in the MetEd zone.
PJM will approve only one of 17 congestion relief proposals submitted in September, saying most failed to provide sufficient benefits or targeted problems that were already addressed.
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