September 28, 2024

Public Policy

Jakec, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Talen Energy Deal with Data Center Leads to Cost Shifting Debate at FERC
Talen Energy’s deal to carve out capacity from its Susquehanna Nuclear Plant to serve a growing data center on its site drew protests at FERC from other parties who argued the deal and others like it could shift costs and threaten reliability. 
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Texas Utilities: Beryl’s Damage Unlike that of Cat 1s
Transmission providers say Hurricane Beryl’s high winds deep inland in a heavily-wooded region led to significant customer outages that will last more than a week after the storm’s landfall.
Dominion Energy
Dominion Issues RFP for Small Modular Reactor at North Anna
Dominion Energy Virginia issued a request for proposals from developers to build a small modular reactor at its existing North Anna nuclear plant.
Northeast States Collaborative on Interregional Transmission
10 Northeastern States Sign MOU on Interregional Transmission Planning
Ten East Coast states signed a memorandum of understanding to set up a framework to coordinate interregional transmission planning and development.
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Hurricane Beryl Leaves 2.7M Customers Without Power
Hurricane Beryl ripped through the Houston area after making a landfall on the Texas Gulf Coast July 8 as a Category 1 storm, leaving a trail of death and destruction in its wake.
Stakeholder Soapbox: The Prevalence of Rent-seeking in Public Utility Regulation
Energy consultant Kenneth W. Costello says state utility regulators in recent years have exhibited political posturing that deviates from their original mission.
Analysis Group
Stakeholders Battle over Battery as Proxy in NYISO Demand Curve Reset
NYISO stakeholders are divided over consultants’ proposal to use a two-hour battery as the peaking plant in the ISO’s capacity market demand curve, as part of its quadrennial demand curve reset for 2025-2029. 
NYISO Studying How to Update IRM Calculation to Account for Offshore Wind
The New York State Reliability Council’s mathematical model for calculating the state’s installed reserve margin every year will need to be updated as more offshore wind and major transmission lines come online, NYISO told stakeholders. 
Cal Fire
Wildfire Prompts CAISO’s 1st Transmission Emergency of Summer
CAISO declared its first transmission emergency of the summer as a fast-spreading Northern California fire forced PG&E to de-energize transmission lines near one of the state’s key hydroelectric facilities.
PURPA Case Offers FERC Early Glimpse of Post-Chevron World
FERC is getting an early taste of life without Chevron deference after the Supreme Court remanded a case involving the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act back to an appeals court.

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