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Stakeholders told the New York PSC that utilities’ proposed transmission planning framework could favor local upgrades over more efficient regional projects.
U.S. OSW developers must follow Europe’s example and build out meshed HVDC systems, experts told the International Partnering Forum.
With major projects being completed this year, OSW is poised to become a major source of electricity and good jobs, panelists at a BNOW conference said.
Thirteen years after the Champlain Hudson Power Express was proposed, the first shipment of HVDC cable needed to build it arrived in New York on Thursday.
The PJM Board of Managers on Monday announced it will seek a delay in the 2025/26 Base Residual Auction scheduled for this June, as well as future auctions.
FERC received passionate testimony from panelists at its roundtable on incorporating environmental justice and equity into its infrastructure permitting.
More than one third of New York's census tracts will be designated as DACs, prioritizing them for resources as the state advances its clean energy transition.
DOE's proposal to update efficiency standards for distribution transformers would make supply shortages of the key grid equipment worse, industry argued.
Six utilities have indicated they will apply for federal loans and grants totaling roughly $900 million made available from the IIJA and IRA.
Washington’s Department of Ecology confirmed that it raised almost $300 million from the state’s first quarterly cap-and-trade auction held in February.
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