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The New York Public Service Commission again extended utilities’ deadline to procure energy storage — this time to the end of 2028.
A growing focus on reducing gas use is drawing criticism from environmentalists who say the state isn't doing enough and others who say it’s going too fast.
EPA announced details of its Good Neighbor Plan to slash emissions of smog-forming nitrogen oxides; the rules will affect power plants in 23 states.
Washington carbon allowance prices will increase sharply as the state’s cap-and-trade program becomes better established, carbon market analysts said.
FERC OK'd an agreement between CAISO and the TransWest Express transmission project that lets TransWest continue seeking transmission-owner status in CAISO.
NYSERDA's Doreen Harris presented the challenges of New York’s energy transition plan as opportunities while speaking to state legislators.
FERC released its State of the Market report, which showed some of the highest natural gas and power prices in years.
A bill that would establish a low-carbon fuel standard in New Mexico awaits a House vote as the state legislature races toward the end of the 2023 session.
State regulators approved NV Energy’s controversial plan to build a 400-MW gas-fired peaker in Southern Nevada that the utility says is needed for reliability.
Oral arguments Wednesday on the appeal of FERC’s approval by operation of law of the Southeast Energy Exchange Market focused on the issue of deadlines.
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