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The OC approved a proposal to allow for cost recovery for facilities determined critical for interconnection reliability operating limits under NERC standards.
ICC Chair Carrie Zalewski announced her resignation days before the opening of the trial of a Commonwealth Edison corruption case implicating her father-in-law.
FERC's latest budget request seeks additional funds and employees to carry its core functions in fiscal year 2024.
Experts explained to ACORE's Policy Forum what hurdles remain to be overcome after Congress passed the most ambitious clean energy legislation last year.
Democratic officials told ACORE that a package emerging from House Republicans is a poor start to addressing permitting concerns.
Texas lawmakers have laid out a legislative package that threatens the state’s renewable industry and provides generous incentives to thermal generation.
The revised Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards would build on standards set under President Obama but weakened under President Trump.
The former Ohio House Speaker was found guilty of racketeering conspiracy over donations FirstEnergy paid a dark money group controlled by him to win favors.
The regulators contend that PJM is violating its tariff by not granting the PSC access to meetings of the RTO’s Member Liaison Committee.
A new CAISO stakeholder initiative aims to overhaul its interconnection process to deal with a flood of requests to connect renewable resources and storage.
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