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Long-duration energy storage company Zinc8 Energy Solutions plans to build its first factory in Kingston, N.Y., the company and Gov. Kathy Hochul announced.
New York said its latest offshore wind solicitation drew more than 100 proposals from six developers for eight new projects — a record level of response.
FERC conditionally accepted NYPA's proposal to revise its formula rate template in response to its need to bring on large amounts of clean generation.
Recent departures at CAISO, the California Public Utilities Commission and the California Energy Commission require new appointments by Gov. Gavin Newsom.
Top leaders from Washington, D.C. and energy trade groups gathered in person for the U.S. Energy Association's Annual State of the Energy Industry Forum.
SREA said Duke Carolinas' and TVA's holiday blackouts were likely avoidable had they built robust transmission links and had better access to organized markets.
State regulators face a big challenge in ensuring grid modernization investments are in the public interest and cost-beneficial, says economist Ken Costello.
NYSERDA did not release details on the submissions for New York state’s third offshore wind solicitation, but least some of the would-be developers are known.
The California Energy Commission awarded large grants to boost in-state production of electric tractors, forklifts, batteries and charging stations.
New York’s JFK Airport is planning an 11.3-MW microgrid powered by solar and fuel cells to cut emissions and continue operations during power outages.
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