Public Policy

FERC Orders Further Southern Tariff Revisions
FERC conditionally accepted Southern Company's compliance filing on its rate protocols but said more work is needed to make the protocols just and reasonable.
National Grid
FERC Approves NYPA Cost Recovery for Smart Path Project
FERC Ok'd New York Power Authority’s transmission rates for the Smart Path Connect transmission project after the utility showed it received state approval.
NY Changes Community Choice Aggregation Rules
The New York State Public Service Commission ordered changes to improve and standardize the community choice aggregation program.
Maryland Public Television
New Md. Governor May Bring New Workforce Tactics to Climate Efforts
Maryland’s new governor may bring increased urgency to addressing a key obstacle to reaching the state's climate action goals: workforce development.
Building Industry Association of Washington
Washington Home Builders, Realtors Balk at Climate Role in Local Planning
A bill to make climate change part of local governments’ land-use planning in Washington has wide support but real estate groups said they are opposed.
Twin Transit Authority, Lewis County, Wash.
Washington Hydrogen Bill Praised, Panned
A bill encouraging public authorities in Washington to manufacture hydrogen drew praise from transit agencies and criticism from the state’s business community.
Alliance for Clean Energy NY
Many Questions on NY Energy Transition Don’t Have Answers Yet
The Alliance for Clean Energy New York hosted an online information session concerning the state's scoping plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
UC Berkeley Central Sierra Snow Lab
California Storms Alleviate Drought, Damage Grid
After three weeks of torrential rains from a series of atmospheric river storms, California is starting to dry out with replenished reservoirs and snowpack.
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Phillips Says Transmission NOPRs Still a Priority
Acting FERC Chairman Willie Phillips made his first comments since taking over the agency.
EKM Metering
Parties Protest PG&E Plan to Spin off Generation
PG&E's proposal to place most of its generation fleet into a new company and to sell nearly half the firm to investors is taking flak at FERC and the CPUC.

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