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A draft environmental impact study for a proposed Washington wind and solar farm examines concerns about nesting areas for the region’s ferruginous hawks.
The Memphis Light, Gas and Water Board of Commissioners unanimously rejected a 20-year, rolling power supply contract with the Tennessee Valley Authority.
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals vacated FERC’s licensing of the Conowingo Dam on the Susquehanna River in Maryland, ruling in favor of environmental groups.
New Jersey’s plan for spending $104 million in funds from the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure program faced a barrage of stakeholder questions.
The Oregon Environmental Quality Commission voted to adopt California's Advanced Clean Car II rules banning the sale of gas-powered passenger vehicles by 2035.
An effort to reopen Washington’s last standing aluminum plant with a lower carbon footprint faltered after BPA declined to guarantee low-cost energy.
NYISO’s Operating Committee approved a winter study, tariff revisions to improve transmission study coordination and manual updates for ICLs.
FERC ordered settlement judge procedures for a 3-year-old dispute between PG&E and the city of San Francisco and over the provision of distribution service.
SPP has hired Arkansas Public Service Commission Commissioner Kim O’Guinn as its director of state regulatory policy.
A N.Y. panel approved a scoping plan for meeting state decarbonization goals but three members opposed the report, citing cost and reliability concerns.
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