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Avangrid has moved to terminate power purchase agreements for Commonwealth Wind, a 1.2-GW offshore wind project it is developing in Massachusetts.
TransWest Express, a power line linking Wyoming wind to California, won board approval to participate in CAISO as a transmission owner under a new model.
FERC Chair Richard Glick cited "remarkable” progress on FERC's and NERC's recommendations in response to Winter Storm Uri but cautioned there is more to do.
New York’s upstate/downstate dynamic and its home rule tradition are creating siting challenges for solar developers, speakers told the NYSEIA Solar Summit.
Texas regulators have received almost 120 comments from ERCOT stakeholders and the public about a proposed market redesign to be turned over to lawmakers.
The owner of Washington’s only non-utility gas-fired plant filed a suit over what it claims is discriminatory treatment in the state’s cap-and-trade program.
ERCOT says it is prepared for a polar blast that is expected to bring sub-freezing temperatures to Texas this weekend.
The California Air Resources Board approved a climate change scoping plan that charts a course for the state to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045.
FERC granted a cryptocurrency mining company approval to buy a 60-MW gas-fired power plant near Buffalo, N.Y., where it has been running some of its operations.
The California Energy Commission approved $2.9 billion in clean-transportation funding through 2026, primarily for charging light- medium- and heavy-duty EVs.
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