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New York stakeholders are challenging a PJM rule change they say could hit them with some of the cost of New Jersey's transmission upgrades for offshore wind.
CAISO held its Stakeholder Symposium for the first time since 2018 and weighed the transmission needs of the West to deliver renewable resources.
Two Western governors speaking at COP27 said they see states leading the federal government in tackling climate change measures on the ground in the U.S.
With the green energy agenda intact after Election Day and billions in federal funding coming, ACE NY held its fall conference on a triumphal note.
The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities’ effort to limit ratepayer costs of its incentive plan to stimulate the development of storage has run into concerns.
Washington needs to do a large amount of legwork to prepare for Gov. Inslee’s mandate banning the sale of new gas-powered cars by 2035, state officials said.
Generators faced skeptical questioning from D.C. Circuit judges in their bid to overturn PJM’s capacity offer cap rules.
Pennsylvania regulators opened a rate design proceeding to encourage electric vehicle charging during off-peak hours.
PJM stakeholders asked the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals to require the RTO to exercise more oversight over transmission owners’ end-of-life projects.
Sen. Joe Manchin said he won’t call a hearing on President Biden’s nomination of Richard Glick to remain as FERC chair, dimming his chance of returning.
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