Public Policy

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DOE Issues Final Guidelines for National Transmission Corridors
The Department of Energy released its final guidelines for the designation of National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors, which are narrowly defined areas where transmission is urgently needed to ensure reliability and affordability and advance “important national interests.”
Former Employee Details Failures at Entergy’s Grand Gulf
A former Grand Gulf nuclear plant employee testified he witnessed mismanagement by supervisors and was fired for refusing to revise audits documenting problems.  
CAISO Board Approves Nevada Transmission Line to Access Idaho Wind
CAISO’s Board of Governors approved the inclusion of the Southwest Intertie Project-North in to the ISO’s 2022-2023 transmission portfolio.
DOE Report, Funding Seek to Break down Barriers to Grid Innovation

Utilities are rolling out new GETs projects, DOE officials said, but “there are more than 3,000 utilities in the United States, and a few excellent projects won’t get us where we need to be.”

Texas Public Utility Commission
McAdams Honored During Last Texas PUC Meeting
Texas PUC Commissioner Will McAdams has made good on his intention to resign by year’s end, having sat through his last open meeting.
Federal Court Rules in Favor of Transource Congestion Project in PJM
A federal court overturned Pennsylvania regulators’ rejection of the Independence Energy Connection, but the project’s fate depends on a PJM benefit-cost analysis.
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PJM Board Approves $5 Billion Transmission Expansion
The PJM Board of Managers approved staff's recommended projects for the third window of the 2022 Regional Transmission Expansion Plan.
NERC: Growing Demand, Shifting Supply Mix Add to Reliability Risks
NERC's Long-Term Reliability Assessment sees some risk for reliability issues in most of the country as the industry has to deal with faster demand growth and shifting supplies of generation.
R Street Institute
Report Dives into the Details of Electricity Restructuring
The Energy Choice Coalition hosted a webinar that focused on a recent report from the R Street Institute that examined how restructuring has impacted the electric industry at both the wholesale and retail levels.
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Searching for Paradigm Shifts in Distribution Planning and Financing
As utilities and regulators face unprecedented growth in power demand, figuring out how to plan and finance distribution systems has become a fast-moving target, according to speakers at the GridWise Alliance gridCONNEXT conference.

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